I renew my inventions .. Body scanning the rear!!

Invented company in the state of Nevada American organ "how to" clean-up and personal with a view to reducing the proportion of papers using the bathroom. He said Warren Smith, who invented this strange and founded the company "how" of America that this product is designed to clean the rectum, more effective use of the toilet paper or Rinser.
Ptbtaloa used Hamaharm ...
Smith explained that "the paper recently cleaned the bathroom is cleaned up dishes like paper" .. He added that "our product and believe in a practical way to obtain normal hygiene to reduce the proportion of consumption by households for toilet paper at about 75 per cent."
The concealment device (how) under the toilet seat available when the cans and hose commensurate with each person. Smith pointed out that water used with this device compared with a small amount of tissue that normally used. He added that when considering the best option for the environment find no way to compare this system with anything else.