Around The World

Around The World

Around The World

Around The World

How mobile phone found in the world?

May 2008 

How mobile phone found in the world?


The study of the International Telecommunication Union and a total of 3.3 billion mobile phone in the world by the end of 2007 amounted to 49% coverage. The proliferation of mobile phones has seen enormous growth in the world where it was not the year 2000 more than 800 million telephone. 
All cattle and Bihki with the case ..
The African continent is witnessing the highest level of growth in this area amounted to an annual pace of 39% from 2005 to 2007, followed by Asia (increased by 28%) where the last two years add 154 million telephone in India and 143 million telephone in China, and at the rate of growth of the global proliferation of telephones Portable during the past 22%, according to the same source.

The International Federation of experts contacted this is a "positive trend in developing nations seek to reduce the effects" in this area. The communication via mobile phones is currently 71% of telephone lines in the traffic growth continues at the expense of traditional fixed phones. It believes in Africa ninety percent of all telephone communications.

However, the digital divide between rich and poor nations are still great in the field of communications via high-speed Internet, according to the same source. And enjoy the rich nations b 66% of the total fixed high-speed communications over the Internet but does not reach only 16% of the world population.

On the other hand, poor countries do not have more than one percent of these contacts, although they represent 38 percent of the world's population, but the study pointed out that some States have made significant progress in this area pointing out that in Senegal, Chile and Turkey have nearly all participants Internet services today High-speed Internet.

The use of mobile phone while driving, do more than focus the dr

May 2008 

The use of mobile phone while driving, do more than focus the driver??


Finally, science has proven what everyone knows, once the streets and control traffic when we see someone, or one of them .. It uses mobile phone while driving .. The issue is aggravated when the mobile phone equipped with Internet service and e-mail, without fail to serve the text messages that have come to most young people like addiction, which is difficult to cure. 
Recent studies have shown that the use of cell phones while driving impair the ability to focus to a very large ...
Recent studies have shown that the use of cell phones while driving impair the ability to focus to a very large .. If imposing that a young man in the twenty-year-old boy used his mobile while driving, the ability to focus equivalent to the capacity of the seventy-old man, what does this metaphor of a significant increase in traffic accidents and obstruction of unusual traffic especially at peak hours when congestion is at its peak.

This is not the only one of the semi-scientists who participated in the tests, the person who used her mobile phone while driving, walking, including during sleep. He adds that world, a Professor David Ferreira "professor of psychology at the University of Utah" campaign, saying that the loss of the ability to focus and inability to take the appropriate decision at the right moment, because of the use of the phone even for a few minutes, like a prompt progress in life, and in moments of jumping over half Century ago .. We can imagine the situation on the roads where there is more than a driver can not postpone the date until it reaches up to the desired location, or at least to stop his car at the right path if the international telephone calls can not be postponed.

It goes on saying that studies conducted in this regard have proved that the driver who uses the phone while driving is much worse than drunk driver. In a study published in the quarterly results of the Assembly of psychologists in America, it was pointed out that the use of phone while driving leads to the killing of 4600 people annually in the United States alone, in addition to injuring 530 thousand people.

The study showed that the user telephone while driving less than the other 18 per cent in case of responding to the car that was parking in front of him .. Ability to see the lights of red brake weaken by almost five. Also, by forcing the driver to brake the car used during the telephone talk, requires a much longer time than others (17 per cent) to restore the required speed, causing considerable obstruction to traffic. 
Certainly very focused markets Ante ...
Turning to study the handset, which allows the driver to use the phone without having to campaign, said that the danger is still present and also a high proportion .. Because the emphasis on choosing the same .. Speaking and hearing, which is to take the driver away from a focus on the road in front of him .. He viewed the road in front of him but he did not see what it is supposed to see because the mind quite busy.

In another study conducted by specialists at the University of "Illinois" on the phone usage while driving was reached similar conclusions but noted that the study was conducted on two categories of drivers: those who are the first between the eighteenth and twenty-fifth .. And the second for those between the sixty-fifth and seventy-fourth .. It transpired that the first category is much worse and more Lahore .. Despite the fact that everyone had committed many mistakes in the "discovery" of developments and road traffic to them and around them, as they needed more time than others to respond to these developments.

And despite the fact that drivers in the age of applicants who were keen to leave more than enough distance between them and the car ahead, unlike the drivers of the category of young people, most traffic accidents in which the youth party, caused by "storm" of the car, which led .. While most incidents of drivers second category (the elderly) are multiplying car from behind because of propagation of the use of brakes, even sometimes without any reason .. In addition to their fast speed of less than planned.

And ultimately show that the drivers of the second category of best young drivers .. Traffic accidents are a party that less .. They are less able than young people to focus and respond to developments in the road, but in turn more cautious, as they leave enough distance between them and the car ahead.

Any protection provided by the facebook for children?

April 2008 

 Any protection provided by the facebook for children?

She said the U.S. government, they agreed with famous social Web site, Facebook to add 40 new protection programme to the site to prevent the exploitation of young people employed by those who sexually harassing them. 

facebook undertakes to protect children from sexual abuse ...
The new regulations, according to the statement cnn prevent the culprits in cases of sexual abuse, from entering the site, and limit the ability of adults to communicate with minors and to add new tools to verify the ages and identities of real users.

He said the Attorney General in the state of Connecticut American Richard Blomnthal that "the agreement constitutes a new step in to protect users of social sites on the Internet of abusers, and exposure to inappropriate content."

He added: "We are entering a new era of online acquaintance, and this agreement is not final more advanced technology, with advanced methods of abuse and piracy, and increased attention to protecting children and minors."

It seemed site Facebook, used by about 70 million people, already in some of those changes, and work is under way to implement the other, according to officials at the site. He said the Attorney General to the jurisdiction of North Carolina that "social sites used by children, have a responsibility to ensure protection for these children .. We have signed an agreement with these sites to reject pornography and abusive." As quoted by the Associated Press.

More than in Australia .. Population or mobile phones!?

April 2008 

The recent statistic that the number of mobile phones has become more than the number of people in Australia and for the first time since last year. 

And Ante ... Macao Tel You!!?
The experts pointed out that there is more than one mobile phone for each Australian, confirming that there are now 21.26 million telephone, an increase of 7.6% over last year.

The expert added that there are now more than 4.5 million mobile phone of the third generation in Australia were purchased during the period from June 30, 2006 to June 30, 2007, an increase of 192%.

On the other hand, the number of fixed telephone lines from 11.26 million to 10.92 million line of the line this year, as the report that the number of Internet users reached 6.43 million people, an increase of 2.09 million people last year.

Title golden screen ThinkVision L200p Wide

April 2008 

Company announced that the pop Lenovo ThinkVision L200p Wide - the screen with a tenth ThinkVision - had joined the distinguished group of products manufactured by the company and obtained the title Golden EPEAT. Company lenovo only company manufactures computers are excellent, taking into account the preservation of the environment, which is the only company that got the world monitors for the title Golden EPEAT. 

In order to obtain title to the company lenovo 23 scale commitment of non-use of materials could harm or pollute the environment, the life of the product, energy conservation, implementation of tasks in addition to 75% of the total of proposed standards, including the use of batteries without bullets, and levels Mercury low in lighting sources.

Mr. Yossi Soberno - Manager lenovo production company said: "The Company continued its policy designed to produce organs, taking into account the environment, the company lenovo pioneer in this area and today we offer our customers a wide range of devices changes the title EPEAT Gold, which contains screens (L174) 17 inch , (L197 Wide) 19 inch, with a more efficient energy consumption, and prepared for market SMB. Presentation screen ThinkVision L200p Wide 20 inch, and prepared for market-oriented. Expected to hit the country's L200P month of May, the price of the screen: 1620 u "c.

Lenovo company is one of the leading companies in the production of the computer world is a model for companies to meet the needs of all new customers in addition to investing in sophisticated markets. Company lenovo three research centers in the United States, Japan, and China occupies the company more than 20,000 staff worldwide. The company's headquarters in New York in addition to the additional branches in North Carolina in China's capital Beijing.